Interview with Vipin R
Check out our interview with Vipin R.
The ranks he got:
KEAM : 600
NEET : 1065 AIIMS : 2302 VITEEE : 209
1) How tough is the entrance exams according to you?
Ans. Difficulty levels vary for each exam. KEAM was the easiest
NEET was average
AIIMS was the toughest
2) When did you start your entrance exam preparation? Do you think it was the correct time to start?
Ans. I started the preparation after joining the Repeaters’ course at Brilliant Study Centre Pala. Yes it was okay to start but could have been easier if I focussed for entrance from +1 +2 level.
3) Did you take coaching? If yes, where and how has it benefitted you. If no, mention why you chose so and how did you go forward.
(Mention the benefits and disadvantages you got with or without coaching)
Ans. Yes I did. I joined Brilliant Study Centre Pala. It was the best decision in my life. I had ONLY had benefits. Brilliant was the best thing that happened in my life.
4) Do you think NCERT is important? Why?
Ans.NCERT is really important. In my opinion we must be thorough with the NCERT textbooks of Biology and Chemistry. Frankly speaking, I have never gone through the physics NCERT. But I was clear with the concepts from the notes by the best professors at Brilliant and also teachers from school and tution which helped me score well in Physics without the help of NCERT.
5) Which all books did you refer other than NCERT?
Ans. Physics: Professors’ notes and previous year question papers.
Biology: “
Any other books (like magazines or previous year books):No
6) Which subject do you think was tough for you? How did you manage it?
Ans. I didn’t study physics well in school mainly because I hated the NCERT and I only got 85% in physics in CBSE board where I scored 95+ in all other subjects.
7) How did you tackle the following subjects? Mention tips and tricks you used also.
Ans. Physics:- Short notes, formula derivations and clarity with the concepts, numericals workout.
Chemistry:- Thorough with the NCERT, and working out numericals.
Biology:- Biology NCERT = your world. EVERY thing inside it is equally important(including dates and examples)
GK and English:-
8) The portion is vast. How did you manage to remember everything on the exam day? How did you revise?
Ans. Lol xD . Nobody remembers everything on the exam day. We must be good enough to relate and recollect the answers on reading the questions. Studying the topics well and attending the model exams in my coaching institutions helped me a lot during the real exams as most of the questions seemed too familiar.
9) Did you use mnemonics, stories, etc to remember stuff for exams? Can you mention a few which you used?
Ans. Of course yea !!! Sorry they are too offensive to post publicly xD. Special thanks to Akshay Rajeev.
10) Did you make a time table? If yes, can you explain how did you make it and whether you followed it. If no, why did you chose so?
Ans.No time table. I hated time table.
11) How important is to write mock exams?
Ans. Very very important. Attending mock exams is really important for time management and also self analysis.
12) How important are study breaks? What do you do in your study breaks?
Ans. I was at a hostel under Brilliant. So we did not have any mode of timepass except doing the laundry. But taking breaks is very important.
13) Do you advise studying late at night? Should a student go sleepless in entrance exam preparation? What should be the ideal sleep time?
Ans. Late night studies are not good. Sleep atleast for 6 hours a day.
14) What did you do on the following instances?
Ans. A month before the exams:- Study
A week before the exams:- Study
The day before the exams:- Study
The exam day:- Never touch the book on the exam day.
15) Did you achieve success in your first attempt? If yes, how did you plan. If no, what was the reason behind it?
Ans. No. Because I didn’t have a plan to try entrance during my schooling time.
16) (only for repeaters) Why did you choose to repeat? How hard was the decision?
Ans. Beause I coudn’t perform well in the first chance. It was the best decision of my life.
17) Mention the difficulties you faced during your entrance exam preparation. How did you overcome them? (Mention each one separately)
Ans. Staying away from home was the worst experience. I was really homesick for the first few months. But I managed after a few months because I got a lot of friends.
18) Did you make any mistakes? What were they?
Ans. No mistakes.
19) How did you maintain your composure and mind during this hectic period of entrance exam preparation?
Ans. Prayer
20) What advice would you like to give to aspirants?
Ans. Never think of the results. Believe that hardwork always pays off.
21) What motivated you to choose this profession?
Ans. It’s a noble profession.
22) What made you motivated to prepare for the entrance exams?
Ans. To achieve my goal. There was no other option.
Thank you for your valuable time.