Why did you choose to repeat? How hard was the decision?
I thought about how I wasted an opportunity in the first attempt, knowing that I could have done it, if I worked hard. So I decided to try again, this time making a good and sincere effort.
-Sasank Varma
Well i had planned to repeat when i joined 11 .My plan was to enjoy 11& 12 max and to have a tough year then. (happy my plan worked well)
-Akshay Rajeev​
To be honest i understood the full form of aipmt and keam after 1st ntrance only.... I was not aware about anything related to ntrances until i wrote one.. i hadnt given it my best shot...So after the first try i thought to try again and do my best..
-Neeraj S Nair
My dream was to study in a government medical college so that I can get lots of experience and become a better doctor.
Yeah, it was one of the toughest decisions. During the period, at times when I failed, I started regretting the decision and wished I had joined the private college I had already got. But by the end of the whole thing, everything worked out well. :)
So, remember its going to be tough. Also, repeating doesn't guarantee you a seat. There are many repeaters. So, if you are ready to work hard, go ahead. :D
-George Zacharia
To achieve my dream if becoming a doctor,one year didn't seem so bad.Not that hard as I was detrmined.
-Anandha Padmanabhan Nair
its my strong desire to became a doctor and there was no way other than to repeat
-Mushtak Ali K​
My passion to become a doctor , my passion to this field.
-Laviya Maria Lalichen
It was my aim to crack medical entrance... I studied a lot things from my failure.
- Azmil P
My dream was mine to achieve I couldn’t let someone else choose for me nor did I wish to settle for something else. I want to be a doctor so if I need to spend another year for it then so be it . The decision wasn’t hard it was the part about leaving my home that was harder to take . It was a risk , I knew , but being a doctor is worth every single day of not doing something else.
-Indu Vimal
It's only because of my dreams.I got victory in my 3rd decision was not at all much harder because of my ultimate aim to become a doctor
- Satheesh Kumar U
Its my ambition. It is not a wasting of year for a dedicated student.Its far better than living rest of whole life after giving up our ambition.
-Anandhakrishna R Pillai
i wanted to be in medical field. i was confused after plus two that how to achieve my goal and where to begin. i herd about brilliant pala and joined there.
-Yasar Arafath
My dream from childhood was to become a doctor. So I had to try it. Be confident. Believe in yourself.
- Benson Jake Eldho